Friday, June 25, 2010

Green Business and Unions with some Thoughts on Doing Business with Russia

Al Gore, Green Business, and Unions-The Unholy Trinity

How about that masseuse who said Al Gore tried to pick up on her in a Portland OR hotel room? I think it is pretty obvious she was after some money. And if Al was grabbing at her, he has no taste. Who goes after a 54 year old masseuse? She was a wrinkled up slag. If this accusation had any substance, it would have come out back when it happened two or three years ago. How long ‘til she has Gloria Allred as her attorney? Aw, geez!

Pardon me, but who gives a damn about that blowhard, Al Gore, anyway? He won a Nobel Prize based on fake science. The grand European Green Energy scheme he wanted implemented here in the U.S. is melting down in Europe as the governments can no longer afford to SUBSIDIZE the green industry. But that’s their problem.

The U.S. has bigger fish to fry here as we can no longer afford to subsidize unions. Thus, our economies of several states and municipalities are melting down. If something does not happen soon in the way of managing our future state expenditures to unions and their pensions, if we don’t stop kowtowing to them and granting them raises in economies where there should not be any raises, if we knuckle under this year in California and give up our social programs to pay the unionists, our nation is on a oil slicked road to ruin. Unions killed the auto manufacturing business. They are in the process of killing off our airlines. Now, our state and municipal governments are fighting with unions because funding their pay and their ridiculous pensions is way out of hand. That’s the choice our state lawmakers have to make. Do we cut out a variety of social programs and alienate the millions being served by them or do we take the brave step and start taking control from the unions? Do we manage our futures or hand our futures and our tax dollars to the unions?

In California, the state employees union is the strongest, biggest lobby in the state. Not one Democratic member of the state assembly will realistically go up against them and try to save the taxpayers’ money by negotiating on behalf of the PEOPLE rather than on behalf of the union. There are just too many campaign dollars to go around and they like those green backs from the unions. Isn’t that right State Senator Leland Yee? State Assm. Ira Ruskin? State Assm. Jerry Hill?

Now that the American people are getting wise to them, the unions need a new industry to make sure their armies of idiots have jobs. Unions love Green and want to dominate green business as they dominate the auto industry. I am predicting here and now, the Green Industry will flop around like a fish out of water for a long time before it becomes viable. Why??? Unions.

Jose Radzinsky, an immigrant from Uruguay, accidentally started a small solar installation company in San Jose Ca in 1996. His home in the Santa Cruz Mountains had no electricity. Instead of having the local utility extend electricity to his home for $200,000, he installed some solar panels on his home. His neighbors liked it, so he did their homes too. By 2006, he had a going business with 25 employees.

Jose had a cutting edge Green company on the forefront of the Green movement getting great contracts like placing photovoltaic panels on the schools in the Sunnyvale School District. To expand his business, he decided to start a school for training people to become solar panel installation techs. He submitted an application to the state to start the school. That is where Jose’s trouble started.

IBEW, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, appealed the state’s approval of the program. It seemed to the IBEW that they were the only organization in the state with the right to train workers in solar panel installation and claimed the solar industry had no need for this school. The union’s lawyers attacked the program for various technical shortcomings. The small business owner was beset with legal briefs and exhibits filed by the union lawyers.

Soon, other trade unions joined with the IBEW to stop Jose from starting his Solar Tech Installation School. Roofers, plumbers, sheet metal workers and other unions came forward in the proceedings to argue that the training of solar installers is solely in the purview of the unions and not the private business. None of these unions have a solar tech training school. It is just another example of unions throwing their weight around to kill a great idea because it might infringe on their power.

Today the California Apprenticeship Council will rule whether or not Jose can start his school and train people to increase the level of sun power in California’s energy usage. Will they be in favor of the small business owner with a dream for California? Or will they side with the dream killing, nightmarish unions?

Doing Business with Russia

Recently, Russian President Medvedev visited the Silicon Valley in Northern California to ask for help in developing entrepreneurship in Russia. Cisco promised a one billion dollar investment in high tech developments there. Let’s keep in mind that in the 2009 Corruption Perception Index, Russia was rated a 2.2 out of 10. Amazingly, Nigeria scores slightly better than Russia. To be quite colloquial, Cisco’s gonna loose it’s ass in Russia.

There is no law there. Corrupt politicians and police can have anyone arrested, tortured, and held indefinitely. If you are a corporate lawyer and you choose to bring charges of corruption against a politician, you should pack you bags and get the hell out of town as the next knock on your door is the secret police ready to take you in, forever. If they get you, they will send you to a place that makes Gitmo look like the Hilton.

I encourage you to read the story of Jamison Firestone, an American attorney working in Russia and how his firm, which was the law firm to the Hermitage Fund, was treated by the Russian government.

Russian President Dimitry Medvedev is a cute little fella who loves modern technology. The American press is enamored with him because he uses email. Oooo, big deal. He has no power. The Russian President is a figure head. Putin the Prime Minister holds all the power. I doubt Medvedev can go to the bathroom without Putin’s permission.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Random Thoughts on California and Helen Thomas

California Kicks-off Two Big Races

The Primary is over

Governor’s mansion: It is Meg Whitman’s race to lose. If she plays her cards right, focusing on Jerry’s first two terms as Gov and his much less than astounding time as Mayor of Oakland, she could do it. She also needs to play up the disgust of the electorate with the giant union pension contracts that are strangling our cities, county, and state. Jerry Brown never saw a union contract he didn’t love. Even in San Jose, union might is waning. Any missteps by Meg and Jerry gets 4 years, heaven help us all. If that happens, California becomes the New Oakland.

Carly and Babs vie for the U.S. Senate Seat:Someone said the contest between Carly Fiorina and Babs Boxer will be a Cat Fight. Cat Fight? Baby, that’s a WWF No Holds Barred No Referee Cage Match looking for a place to happen. Who will be the first to fling a folding chair during the first debate? “Fiorina’s pounding Boxer, a right, a left, a right again. Fiorina is grabbing Boxer by her 70’s haircut, pulling her down and bouncing her face off her bony knees. Boxer is down! Fiorina goes to edge of the ring to play to the crowd; exhorting cheers. Look out! Boxer is up and has a folding chair!” That would be soooo much fun.

Helen Thomas

I knew she was a pain in the ass to many presidents, but I didn't know she was a Nazi. I was surprised by the cmoplete lack of decorum she showed in her recent comments on Israel (or Palestine as Helen so fondly refers to it).

Rabbi David Nesenoff is an independent filmmaker from Long Island and he runs the website He approached Helen Thomas outside the White House after attending events for Jewish Heritage Day on May 27. He said he was there with his teenage son and a friend. They approached Thomas to talk.

Asked whether she had any comments on Israel, Thomas said, "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine." She continued, "Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land. It's not Germany, it's not Poland," she continued. Asked where they should go, she answered, "They should go home."

"Where's home?" Nesenoff asked.

"Poland, Germany and America, everywhere else," Thomas replied.

"Those remarks were offensive and reprehensible," Presidential Spokesperson Gibbs said during the Monday press briefing, saying that Thomas's comments "do not reflect certainly most of the people here and certainly not those of the administration."

"Helen Thomas announced Monday that she is retiring, effective immediately," read a statement from Hearst Newspapers on Monday. "Her decision came after her controversial comments about Israel and the Palestinians were captured on videotape and widely disseminated on the Internet."

Thomas said in a statement that, "I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.’’

After hearing her yesterday, and assessing the commentary she has had in the past and how she has badgered Presidents regarding Israel for years, it is pretty evident that she was a biased ingrate with little regard for Jews. A sad end to such a storied career.

Had her reportage slanted UPI over the years prior to her resignation in 2000? Helen Thomas, former President of the White House Press Corps, leading anti Israel extremist I guess. How has her slanted and skewed view of the world effected younger reporters whom she had taken under her wing? The guys at MSNBC and John Stewart make jokes about there being a liberal slant to the news, as if Fox news and other conservative commentators were nuts or, worse, accusing the media of a liberal conspiracy. “Bias, no way! How foolish.” This is an American wake up call. It behooves us to look upon all mainstream news sources with a critical eye and search out varied sources for our news. If you reglularly get your news from FOX, take a look at CNN or the NY Times. It won't kill you. If you are a regular NY Times or Yahoo News addict, check out FOX or the Wall Street Journal once in a while to see the other side. Let's remember that we live in a big country where opinions are free to grow like leaves on trees. I read NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman a couple of times a week. I even agree with him... sometimes.

Helen Thomas is entitled to her point of view and may express it freely here. However, her soapbox has been yanked from under her feet for all time.

One last thought on Thomas: When she left the UPI in 2000 to become a columnist for Hearst, why was she still accorded the front seat of the White House Press Room? Why was she still allowed to ask the first question at each presidential press conference after leaving UPI? I thought GW Bush did the right thing in bypassing her questions in press conferences starting in 2003. She was no longer a reporter and did not deserve to be among the press corps at the time. Thomas should have gone to pasture, instead, she used her questioning opportunities to go on long accusatory political diatribes. By 2003, it was also apparent by her line of questioning that she was biased against American participation in the Arab world. I don't understand her love for those who would happily commit genocide once more against the Jewish people. I am not a Jew and I am not always the biggest backer of Israeli policies in the MidEast. However, I have to agree with White House Spokesman Gibbs, those were reprehensible and indefensible comments from someone many Americans had grown to trust. If our President really wants to kick some ass these days, perhaps he could start with Helen Thomas.

Some people are like Slinkys, they are more fun when you push them down some stairs.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Disarming America

The California State Assembly has recently passed a new law that would end the open carrying of pistols in the state. Currently, California law allows persons legally allowed to own a weapon to carry an unloaded pistol openly in a holster. Ammunition is to be carried separately from the weapon but can be on the same belt or in a pocket. The new law will end this practice once and for all.

I can hear "yea" and "wheeee" coming from the anti-gunners out there. This is really much ado about nothing. The open carry law has been on the books for many years. It was not until recently that gun rights advocates took to the streets carrying their guns to shed a little light upon the Second Amendment and our right to bear arms. Of course, where there are gun advocates, there are those who feel that private ownership of weapons is barbaric and an affront to a decent society.

The ultimate goal of the anti-gun crowd is to outlaw the private ownership of projectile firing weapons. You would still be able to use a baseball bat to protect your home and family - provided that it is not a metal bat, as those may be outlawed too.

The FBI estimates there are over 200 million privately held guns in 40% of the households in the US. To wrest control of all of these weapons is a gargantuan undertaking. There is a certain percentage who would give up their weapons willingly. But there is also a more significant percentage who would rather have their guns pried from their cold dead fingers rather than give them up willingly. Let's consider how the Weimar Republic of Germany eliminated private gun ownership.

By 1938, the Weimar Republic already had many laws on the books that anti-gunners advocate now. You had to have a special license from the police to own and carry a weapon. The German state police had carte blanch over all ownership decisions. This unlimited police control is the foundation of "Brady II," the gun legislation being promoted by the gun control lobby since 1994. The German Gun Control program was all the Nazi's needed to insure that Jews and others who were not trusted by the state to be good Germans would be disarmed and helpless.

In 1938 Germany passed their special "1938 Weapons Law," stating that Jews could no longer possess firearms. Possesion of a firearm by a Jew would result in death or 20 years of incarceration. In accordance with the new law, Police entered Jewish homes and confiscated pistols, rifles, and even old swords and sabers owned by WWI veterans. On Nov. 8, 1938, the New York Times reported from Berlin, "Berlin Police Head Announces 'Disarming' of Jews," explaining:

The Berlin Police President, Count Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf, announced that as a result of a police activity in the last few weeks the entire Jewish population of Berlin had been "disarmed" with the confiscation of 2,569 hand weapons, 1,702 firearms and 20,000 rounds of ammunition. Any Jews still found in possession of weapons without valid licenses are threatened with the severest punishment.1

On November 9, 1938, the Nazi government initiated "Kristallnacht," where thousands of unarmed, helpless Jews were attacked by government sanctioned mobs. Certainly, if the Jews had firearms, the mobs would have thought twice about destroying their businesses and homes. I have heard some nuts say the Jews did nothing to protect or defend themselves in the Holocaust. What can you do when you have been disarmed and there are masses of people with torches and clubs willing to bash you into the next week? Or quasi military organizations like the SS or the Gestapo armed with automatic weapons comes around to take you away? There was some resistance, but those who resisted were killed or maimed. No, there was little that Germany's Jews could do to defend themselves in the face of State directed genocide.

Of course, at this time in Germany, they had full gun registration. If you were a German citizen and not a Jew, you could still own a gun. However, the German legislature was the first to distinguish between military and sporting arms. So, ownership of pistols and semi automatic rifles were prohibited. Every weapon in possession by the citizenry was recorded.

As the pendulum in the battles of WWII swung to the allies side, Germany was forced to play its trump card. Finally, in 1942, the state went forward and initiated confiscation of all firearms. Paranoia of their leader and others in positions of power drove them to take away all firearms for fear of a popular uprising.

The path to gun control is paved with good intentions. Registering weapons does nothing to keep them out of the hands of those who would use them to harm us. It does give the government a "Black List" to move upon when the time comes for confiscation. As an American gun owner, I do not fear my government. My government, technically, fears me and all the other millions of gun owners.

Rep. Edwin Arthur Hall-NY, Member of the House of Representatives from 1939 to 1953, explained: "Before the advent of Hitler or Stalin, who took power from the German and Russian people, measures were thrust upon the free legislatures of those countries to deprive the people of the possession and use of firearms, so that they could not resist the encroachments of such diabolical and vitriolic state police organizations as the Gestapo, the Ogpu, and the Cheka."9

Rep. John W. Patman-TX, Member of the House from 1928 to 1976, added: "The people have a right to keep arms; therefore, if we should have some Executive who attempted to set himself up as dictator or king, the people can organize themselves together and, with the arms and ammunition they have, they can properly protect themselves. . . ."

One must fear the government that wants to take their gun. Now, the State of California wishes to infringe upon our Second Amendment Right because some ninnies in Starbucks feel threatened by citizens exercising their personal right to carry an unloaded weapon. Schwarzenegger's political career is shot to hell. He is becoming more of a Kennedy daily. I bet that ninny signs the open carry restriction bill.