Friday, June 25, 2010

Green Business and Unions with some Thoughts on Doing Business with Russia

Al Gore, Green Business, and Unions-The Unholy Trinity

How about that masseuse who said Al Gore tried to pick up on her in a Portland OR hotel room? I think it is pretty obvious she was after some money. And if Al was grabbing at her, he has no taste. Who goes after a 54 year old masseuse? She was a wrinkled up slag. If this accusation had any substance, it would have come out back when it happened two or three years ago. How long ‘til she has Gloria Allred as her attorney? Aw, geez!

Pardon me, but who gives a damn about that blowhard, Al Gore, anyway? He won a Nobel Prize based on fake science. The grand European Green Energy scheme he wanted implemented here in the U.S. is melting down in Europe as the governments can no longer afford to SUBSIDIZE the green industry. But that’s their problem.

The U.S. has bigger fish to fry here as we can no longer afford to subsidize unions. Thus, our economies of several states and municipalities are melting down. If something does not happen soon in the way of managing our future state expenditures to unions and their pensions, if we don’t stop kowtowing to them and granting them raises in economies where there should not be any raises, if we knuckle under this year in California and give up our social programs to pay the unionists, our nation is on a oil slicked road to ruin. Unions killed the auto manufacturing business. They are in the process of killing off our airlines. Now, our state and municipal governments are fighting with unions because funding their pay and their ridiculous pensions is way out of hand. That’s the choice our state lawmakers have to make. Do we cut out a variety of social programs and alienate the millions being served by them or do we take the brave step and start taking control from the unions? Do we manage our futures or hand our futures and our tax dollars to the unions?

In California, the state employees union is the strongest, biggest lobby in the state. Not one Democratic member of the state assembly will realistically go up against them and try to save the taxpayers’ money by negotiating on behalf of the PEOPLE rather than on behalf of the union. There are just too many campaign dollars to go around and they like those green backs from the unions. Isn’t that right State Senator Leland Yee? State Assm. Ira Ruskin? State Assm. Jerry Hill?

Now that the American people are getting wise to them, the unions need a new industry to make sure their armies of idiots have jobs. Unions love Green and want to dominate green business as they dominate the auto industry. I am predicting here and now, the Green Industry will flop around like a fish out of water for a long time before it becomes viable. Why??? Unions.

Jose Radzinsky, an immigrant from Uruguay, accidentally started a small solar installation company in San Jose Ca in 1996. His home in the Santa Cruz Mountains had no electricity. Instead of having the local utility extend electricity to his home for $200,000, he installed some solar panels on his home. His neighbors liked it, so he did their homes too. By 2006, he had a going business with 25 employees.

Jose had a cutting edge Green company on the forefront of the Green movement getting great contracts like placing photovoltaic panels on the schools in the Sunnyvale School District. To expand his business, he decided to start a school for training people to become solar panel installation techs. He submitted an application to the state to start the school. That is where Jose’s trouble started.

IBEW, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, appealed the state’s approval of the program. It seemed to the IBEW that they were the only organization in the state with the right to train workers in solar panel installation and claimed the solar industry had no need for this school. The union’s lawyers attacked the program for various technical shortcomings. The small business owner was beset with legal briefs and exhibits filed by the union lawyers.

Soon, other trade unions joined with the IBEW to stop Jose from starting his Solar Tech Installation School. Roofers, plumbers, sheet metal workers and other unions came forward in the proceedings to argue that the training of solar installers is solely in the purview of the unions and not the private business. None of these unions have a solar tech training school. It is just another example of unions throwing their weight around to kill a great idea because it might infringe on their power.

Today the California Apprenticeship Council will rule whether or not Jose can start his school and train people to increase the level of sun power in California’s energy usage. Will they be in favor of the small business owner with a dream for California? Or will they side with the dream killing, nightmarish unions?

Doing Business with Russia

Recently, Russian President Medvedev visited the Silicon Valley in Northern California to ask for help in developing entrepreneurship in Russia. Cisco promised a one billion dollar investment in high tech developments there. Let’s keep in mind that in the 2009 Corruption Perception Index, Russia was rated a 2.2 out of 10. Amazingly, Nigeria scores slightly better than Russia. To be quite colloquial, Cisco’s gonna loose it’s ass in Russia.

There is no law there. Corrupt politicians and police can have anyone arrested, tortured, and held indefinitely. If you are a corporate lawyer and you choose to bring charges of corruption against a politician, you should pack you bags and get the hell out of town as the next knock on your door is the secret police ready to take you in, forever. If they get you, they will send you to a place that makes Gitmo look like the Hilton.

I encourage you to read the story of Jamison Firestone, an American attorney working in Russia and how his firm, which was the law firm to the Hermitage Fund, was treated by the Russian government.

Russian President Dimitry Medvedev is a cute little fella who loves modern technology. The American press is enamored with him because he uses email. Oooo, big deal. He has no power. The Russian President is a figure head. Putin the Prime Minister holds all the power. I doubt Medvedev can go to the bathroom without Putin’s permission.

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