Friday, August 13, 2010

Politics in August-Fighting the Doldrums

Hillary Says: Make your Vote Count in November!

Don't forget the KFC Hillary Meal: two fat thighs, two small breasts, and lots of left wings. Finger lickin' good?

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Robert Gibbs-Why are the liberals being so hard on this guy? Gibbs is smarmy and needs a decent haircut. But, he is the President's spokeshole. He is an employee. He only says what the administration wants him to say. Press Secretary/Spokeshole is a thankless, virtually powerless job.

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Target Stores Inc. - Liberal organization MoveOn.Org arranged protests at the Minnesota Headquarters of Target to protest Target's donation of $150,000 to a conservative candidate for Minnesota's Governor. They want Target to make an equal donation to a liberal candidate.

Last time I looked it is a free country and the Supreme Court took the gloves off of anyone wanting to support a specific candidate. I understand why left wing/democratic supporters would protest this sort of thing. They are so anti-business that there are few businesses that would consider giving to their candidates without a quid pro quo.

Hey, conservatives! Let's go out and protest the local union hall when they give to their candidate and tell the union to give equally to our candidate! Let's demand SEIU give to the Conservative Caucus or Sarah Palin Fund or some BS like that.

If they don't like Target, maybe they can shop at Walmart! Oh, yeah, they have no use for unions and liberals either.

Hey, SEIU-How many illegal aliens are enrolled with you? Man, if they ever searched your database you would probably lose a third or more of your membership.

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Our President wants to improve our relations with Cuba and allow less restricted travel between our countries. My question to our President would be, "What did Cuba do to deserve a relaxation of tension between our countries? Why are we rewarding Cuba?" It certainly cannot be their adherence to the principles of human rights. Have they allowed truly democratic elections that were not controlled by their government? Are they privatizing any businesses there? no and no. There is no reason to relax any of the restrictions which we placed upon them.

Cuba is a good buddy of that fool, Hugo Chavez. Cuba supports the FARC, or the Colombian Revolutionary Army that mainly consists of violent criminal malcontents and has killed thousands of innocent civilians since its inception. Hugo lets the FARC live in his jungles. Thanks, Hugo! Cuba loves dictators and despots. The President is screwing everything else up this year for incumbent democrats. Let's really tick 'em off with normalizing relations with Cuba.

The New York Mosque

Perhaps this is the start of a true bizarro world. Let's put the mosque in New York at Ground Zero. Then we can build a statue to Golda Meir in Tehran, a tribute to the Japanese Emperor at the USS Arizona memorial, a painting of Fidel Castro in Miami City Hall, we can build a U.S. Army Museum at Wounded Knee, and place a statue of Hitler next to Auschwitz. If we are going to allow tasteless BS like this mosque, let's go all out!

BTW-While the mosque is being built, do you think the Mob will take advantage of all that building material and machines? Isn't it cool how construction supplies are easily resold? I will thank the NY Mafia to make it as difficult as humanly possible for them to complete the mosque. A fire in the middle of construction? Someone dropped their cigarette accidentally. The construction foreman broke his leg? He should be more careful. All of our rebar is missing? You better check the inventory.

Geopolitics-The flood in Pakistan could undermine a lot of the work we have put into building up the government there. If they are unable to manage the care and supplies arriving to help those flooded, the military could take over again. I hope everyone remembers how poorly that worked for us and our allies in Afghanistan. With the Pakistani military in charge again, who needs Al Queda?

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